一款在 iPhone 和 iPad 上练习毛笔书法、绘画的好软件,支持笔划自动粗细调节,让你能够以畅快淋漓的笔触享受挥毫泼墨的乐趣。
- 92 background style templates.
- Simple brush size adjustment with slider.
- Simple main tools: Ink brush, red brush, eraser brush.
- 3 levels of ink dispersion.
- 3 levels of ink tone.
- 5 levels of undo / redo.
- Save your work to the photo library.
- Post to Facebook and Twitter.
- Pressure simulation mode uses size of touch area to simulate strength of brushstroke.
- Support for pressure sensitive styluses (on iPad only).
Supports: Wacom Intuos, Adonit Jot, Ten1 Pogo, Hex3 Jaja, Cregle iPen2.
- Adjustable brush pressure sensitivity (5 levels).
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