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iDraw v2.2 - 我爱画画

软件大小:19.5 MB 软件价格:¥25.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPad, iOS 7.0 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2015-01-15 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:绘图 

层,文本,图像,多色渐变,刷子,钢笔工具,油画风格,电网斯纳,裁剪,PDF输出,更多功能等你发掘! 创造力惊人的插图和设计,采用直观的触摸控制和许多内置的绘图工具。 您可以快速,轻松地,甚至在旅途中创建复杂的设计。

- Brush and Pencil tools for fluid drawing and sketching
- Essential collection of shape tools (with customization options)
- Multiple Layers allowing you to create complex designs
- Powerful Pen tool for creating custom shapes
- Color picker wheel
- Multi-color gradient editor
- Font panel and text support
- Text Gradient and Text path clipping
- Shape, Text and Image Shadows
- Images - rotate, scale, with alpha transparency

- Export drawings to vector-based PDF
- Save designs to your Photos Library as PNG images
- Send designs via email
- Copy as an image to paste into other iPad applications


版本 2.2 中的新功能

iCloud Drive
- Store and access iDraw documents directly on iCloud Drive
- Import images and vector files saved to any iCloud Drive folder
- Easily share files between Mac and iPad

- Use Handoff to seamlessly continue editing a document on a Mac or other iPad
- Handoff requires iOS 8 and Yosemite

Blur Effect
- Apply blur effects to shapes and images
- Enable, disable, and adjust blurs from the Effects pane
- Adjust the blur radius to control the appearance of the blur effect

Annotation Extension Improvements
- Improvements related to annotating large high-resolution images
- Add arrows, notes, and shapes to photos
- Share annotated photos via Email, Facebook, and Twitter
- Print annotated images, save to Photos, or copy to the pasteboard

Enhanced Import / Export
- Shadow and glow effects are now exported using SVG filters
- Added support for exporting kerning values in SVG text
- Many improvements to PDF, PSD, AI and SVG import/export

Additional Features and Improvements
- Align selected path points using the align tools
- Many other bug fixes and improvements





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我猜你还喜欢  后续更新: v2.2.1, v2.3.0, v3.0.0
  • 安琪。
    2012-08-06 22:13:15发表

