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ArtStudio - drawing, painting, photo editing v2.15

软件大小:3.57 MB 软件价格:$3.99 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2010-11-17 下载次数:   立刻下载 所属标签:图片 手绘 

一款专业的绘画绘图软件,软件采用了新的识别技术和功能,能够让你在 iPhone 上更随心所欲的挥洒你的创作灵感。


- canvas sizes: 320x480, 342x512, 512x342, 512 x 512 - all devices
- canvas sizes: 480x960, 960x480, 1024x1024 - iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and 3rd gen iPod Touch
- Retina Display full resolution support
- 25 brushes including pencils, brushes, WET BRUSH, eraser, smudge tool, bucket fill (simple and smart mode), glow, tube, airbrush and many more…
- 14 DRAWING LESSONS (animals, human, 3d, perspective)
- DODGE/BURN with the following options: shadows/mid-tones/highlights and normal/colorize
- advanced settings offer 8 different parameters (size, opacity, fadeout, spacing, jitter, speed-based thickness, hard edge and more) and real-time preview for all brushes
- erase mode to any brush
- simulated brush pressure
- line smoothing, antialiasing, zooming with filtering
- symmetric drawing - horizontal and vertical
- shapes: line, rectangle, ellipse, polygon (open and closed)
- very comfortable interface; screens can be displayed in simple or advanced mode.
- quality and performance unmatched by any other app in the app store
- 5 layers with options: add new / delete / reorder / duplicate / merge / clear / transparency / visibility
- layer transformations: rotate/move/scale/flip with multi-touch
- 5 layer blending modes: normal, multiply, add, screen, overlay
- preserve transparency layer mode (so you can draw only on the visible contents of a layer)
- copy/paste layer between projects
- multi-touch navigation with unlimited zoom
- tap-and-hold to enable eyedropper
- two modes of eyedropper: sample current layer/sample all layers
- advanced color editing with customizable color swatches and real-time colorized RGB sliders
- undo/redo system, with almost infinite number of steps
- filters: blur, sharpen, edge detect, sepia and more...
- load/save/export to iphone gallery / import from gallery / get from camera / send by e-mail
- additional "shake menu" with the most frequently used functions, displayed after device shaking or three-finger tap
- online in-app gallery


What's New in Version 2.15

- added blur/sharpen brush
- added 4 new filters: border, vignette, noise, color to alpha
- added possibility to set file name of saved image
- added 4 brushes for Smudge Tool
- save psd in gallery (so you can download PSD to computer using file sharing)
- few other small bugs fixed





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