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CameraBag v1.9 - 照片风格化

软件大小:307.79 KB 软件价格:$1.99 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2010-11-20 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:拍照 

让你轻松制作出复古照片,提供 1962,1974 老照片风格的滤镜,还有 lolo,mono 等滤镜,只要简单拖拽一张心爱的照片到 CameraBag 里,就可以轻松制作出老照片来,照片也复古。


"Helga" - Square-format toy camera with washed-out highlights and old-school vignetting.
"Colorcross" - Hazy, chemical color-swapping straight from the darkroom.
"Instant" - No need to shake this instant-developing film.
"Magazine" - Rich tones for glossy pages.
"1974" - Your father's camera: faded, tinted, and hip.
"Lolo" - Shoot from the hip and take life as it comes with vibrant, colorful shots.
"Plastic" - Sweet honey tones like these could only come from the cheapest of cameras.
"Cinema" - Dramatic, moody coloring with a widescreen aspect ratio.
"Silver" - From the earliest days of photography, when taking a shot was a much larger production than it is now.
"1962" - Dynamic, high-contrast black and white from the photojournalism of a bygone era.
"Mono" - Smooth, refined, balanced black and white.
"Infrared" - Simulation of the popular landscape photography technique.
"Fisheye" - Go ahead, get too close to the lens.
"Original" - Just in case you got it right the first time.


版本 1.9 中的新功能

- Added the ability to infinitely vary each filter effect by double tapping the screen
- Added retina display support in the app and the app icon
- Also be sure to check out our other photo app, Infinicam http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/infinicam/id388837429?mt=8
- If you like the update, please update your review to say so!





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  • kkk
    2011-06-09 20:50:32发表

