一款非常强悍的 RSS 阅读软件,可以在线抓取任意一个网站的 RSS 源,甚至包括 Twitter 的状态信息 Feedbin, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, Fever 和 Readability 等。
Reeder is a client for:
- Feedbin
- Feedly
- Feed Wrangler
- Fever
- Readability
Don't want to use a third-party service? Reeder also supports local/standalone RSS (no sync).
- Light
- Classic (iPad only)
- Dark → night reading
- White → more contrast
- Black → more contract, night reading
Sharing services:
- Safari Reading List
- QUOTE.fm (recommend and read later)
- Buffer
- Readability
- Instapaper
- Pocket
- Evernote
- Pinboard
- Zootool
- Delicious
- App.net
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Messages
- Mail
- Feedbin
- Feedly
- Feed Wrangler
- Fever
- Readability
Don't want to use a third-party service? Reeder also supports local/standalone RSS (no sync).
- Light
- Classic (iPad only)
- Dark → night reading
- White → more contrast
- Black → more contract, night reading
Sharing services:
- Safari Reading List
- QUOTE.fm (recommend and read later)
- Buffer
- Readability
- Instapaper
- Evernote
- Pinboard
- Zootool
- Delicious
- App.net
- Messages
版本 2.6 中的新功能
- iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus support
- Support for landscape mode (iOS 8 only)
- Standard share sheet → “More…” in Reeder’s share panel (iOS 8 only)
- Various bug fixes for iOS 8
- Failed authentication error handling
2.5.1 来了,求更新
reeder2 没有iphone版吗?51上木有找到啊 管理员回复: 是通用版,不好意思,搞错了
ipad4 6.1 闪退,使用的是11.1的itunes更新,会不会和这个有关系呢~请指教,谢谢!
iPad4 6.1.1 闪退
同样 iPhone 5 閃退 请核查! 管理员回复: iPad 3 iOS6 亲测可用,所以应该没啥问题……
Penti喷嚏网订阅了但是不更新 管理员回复: 试试 Mr. Reader
悲剧了……某天软件崩溃后再打开就闪退了 iOS 5.0.1
请问能更换一个网盘么。。华为的dbank实在是不稳定,迅雷快传下载的文件不能安装 管理员回复: 这两个是最好的了,百度网盘没空间。
上面也没说是中文版啊 管理员回复: 不是中文版。我认为,会去用这个软件的人,不需要汉化。