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iFitness HD v2.02 - 平民健身指南

软件大小:18.99 MB 软件价格:$4.99 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPad, iOS 3.2 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2010-12-18 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:健康 



• over 330 unique exercises (more than any other application)
• Built in food/calorie tracker with over 95000 food items
• clear images of people doing every exercise & full text instructions
• 175 (and quickly growing) number of video instructions for each exercise
• cleverly designed logging feature to record and track your progress
• ability to add your own exercise and track it
• exercises ordered by body region they target (abs, arms, back, etc), exact muscle they workout or the equipment they use
• ability to create MULTIPLE customized workouts
• 20 routines with varying goals (weight loss, strength, ab definition, golf program, etc)
• ability to email workout logs to yourself in csv and pdf format
• add custom photo for exercises from iPhone's camera or photo library
• graph your workout results to give yourself the encouraging boost you need
• stop-watch timer to keep track of your resting time between sets
• weight monitor/bmi calculator/measurements recorder to keep track of your progress and graph the results
• FREE unlimited backup & restore to iFitness server to keep all your iFitness data secure and synced with our iPhone application
• ability to track MULTIPLE users
• Supports imperial and metric units (e.g. lb/kg)


What's new in Version 2.02
Important bug fixes regarding crashing during renaming of dividers, and the inability of scrolling through custom exercises in workout builder.






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